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Passiflora Lutea -- the diminutive super power vine

 You know it sounds familiar... Passiflora Lutea shoots in early spring @jenniferwester Who's ever heard of Passion fruit? (ME!) Well this is....not it.  But it is a Passionflower vine, and one of only two native to North Texas at that. And it has some pretty insane qualities, like scientifically backed sedative abilities to aide in remediating insomnia and a beautiful berry that makes for an incredible dye! Not to mention it's funky little cake-tier flowers... Passiflora Lutea blossom illustration by @jenniferwester So here's how to access it's crazy little powers if you, like me, find it sprouting up all over your clay and limestone hillsides: For the health benefits, make a tea or decoction! Many different authors note research dating back to the 1800s regarding Passiflora vine's ability to aide in relaxation. I'm not a doctor and don't profess to be one, so I'll reference a variety of citations I've found online to support this statement like thi

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